Drawings can be produced for a wide range of deliverables, selecting the correct drawing at the right time is key to a successful project, we can help identify the purpose of each individual drawing to help you identify which ones you need at any given time
Concept drawings or sketches can be very useful for working out what suits your brief and specifications, some sketches can be quick to produce and are particularly useful when creating a room layout, this gives you a quick idea of how you can make a space perfect to suit you
Elevation drawings (Front, Rear & Side) give you a great understanding of how your property will look once your project is complete and are crucial for planning applications
Detail drawings are used to show how the space will change and gives you the most clarity on what your project will become once complete, these drawings are also useful to show how your furniture or appliances can be arranged within the space to help meet your brief
Construction drawings are the most detailed drawings we offer, these provide the builder with the information they need to construct your project from scratch, the detail on these drawings does not necessarily help you understand the space to its full potential